Loop Antennas
1. Introduction
2. Fundamentals
2.1. Near-Field and Far-Field
2.2. Electromagnetic Spectrum
2.2.1. Radio Spectrum
2.3. Antenna Types
2.3.1. Wire Antennas
2.3.2. Log-Periodic Antennas
2.3.3. Aperture Antennas
2.3.4. Travelling Wave Antennas
2.3.5. Reflector Antennas
2.3.6. Microstrip Antennas
2.3.7. Other Antennas
2.4. Magnetic Testing
2.5. VLF & LF Antenna
2.6. Shielding
2.6.1. Magnetic Shielding
3. Small Loops
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Radiated Fields
3.2.1. Thin Wire, Constant Current, Small Circumference
3.3. Loop Geometry
3.3.1. Dimensions
3.3.2. Coil cross-section advantage/disadvantage
3.4. Impedance of a Small Loops
3.4.1. Over a Conducting Medium
3.5. Receiving Signal
3.6. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
3.6.1. Rx
3.6.2. Transformer coupled
3.6.3. Direct Connected
4. EM Modeling
4.1. Magnetic Dipole Moment
4.1.1. Time-Varying, Cored and N-Turn Loop Antenna
4.1.2. Static, Cored and N-Turn Loop Antenna
4.1.3. Moment of Torquer
4.2. Effective Height (Length)
4.3. Directivity and Efficiency
4.3.1. Omnidirectivity
4.4. Quality Factor
4.5. Losses
4.6. Near field Propagation
4.6.1. Phase Behaviour
4.6.2. Near Field Propagation based on Friis Law
4.7. Antenna Gain
5. Circuit Modeling
5.1. Complete Model
5.1.1. Circuit Model of Solenoid Receiver
5.2. Circuit Model of Loop Antennas
5.2.1. Model 2
5.2.2. Model 3
5.2.3. Model 4 - Air Core Solenoid
5.2.4. Model 5
5.2.5. Model 6 - Receiving Loaded Antenna
5.3. Radiation Resistance
5.4. Coil Resistance
5.4.1. Loaded Loop Resistance
5.4.2. Skin Effect Resistance
5.4.3. Proximity Effect Resistance
5.4.4. Resistance of Inductors
5.5. Coil Inductance
5.5.1. Air Core Loop
5.5.2. Air Core Solenoid
5.5.3. Magnetic Core Loop
5.5.4. Effective Radius of Solenoid
5.6. Coil capacitance
5.7. Impedance Matching
5.7.1. Pick-up Coil
5.7.2. Transformer Coupling
5.8. Self Resonance Frequency
6. Magnetic Core Loops
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Dimensions
6.1.2. Measurement
6.1.3. Permeability (Influence of High-Frequency Magnetic Fields)
6.1.4. Two Winding Solenoid
6.1.5. Notes
6.2. History
6.3. Radiated Fields
6.4. Magnetic Cores
6.4.1. Modeling of B-H Curves
6.4.2. Nickel-Iron Soft Magnetic Materials
6.4.3. Magneto-mechanical Effect
6.4.4. Dust Core (Mass Core)
6.5. Demagnetization Factor
6.5.1. Demagnetization Factor from Charts
6.5.2. Demagnetization Factor from Formulas
6.5.3. Demagnetization Factor from Formulas with Inductance
6.6. Induced Voltage and Power
6.7. Core Loss
6.7.1. Spheroidal Core
6.7.2. Cylindrical Core
6.7.3. Core Data
6.8. Radiation Resistance
6.9. Relative Effective Permeability
7. Applications
7.1. Biomedical Implant
7.2. Magnetometer
7.2.1. Magnetotelluric
7.3. Marker Beacon
7.4. Radio Direction Finder
7.5. Radio Receiver Antenna
7.6. Real-time Locating System
7.7. RFID
7.8. Underwater Loop Antenna
7.9. Wireless Power Transfer
Special Chapters
Eddy Currents
Multifield Eddy Current Effect
Electric Dipole Antennas
Circuit Model of Dipole Antenna
Fundamental Limit
Lossy Medium
Power Loss
Magnetically Shielded Wire
Mutual Inductance
Derivations from other quantities
Fingerprints of Papers
Aperture (of an antenna)
Balanced Line
Chu Limit
Coupling Coefficient
Like and Unlike Antennas
Magnetic susceptibility
Modal Analysis
Orthogonal Signals
Unbalanced Line
Useful Links
Loop Antennas
Fundamental Limit
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Fundamental Limit